
Coming soon… Not available at this time.


Classic Spray Rose Package

Flowers: Roses, Spray Roses, and Baby’s Breath

1 Bride Bouquet

Roses and spray roses in your color(s) of choice. Ribbon color of choice. Roses and bouquet may very in size, color, and shape. Add-ons and embellishments are extra.

1 Groom Boutonniere

3 spray roses in your color of choice. Size and shape may very.

4 Bridesmaids Bouquets

Spray roses in your color(s) of choice. Ribbon color of choice. Size and fullness may very depending on season. Minimum order 4 bouquets. Each additional $ each plus tax.

4 Groomsmen Boutonnieres

Single spray rose color of Choice. May very in size and shape. Minimum order 2 Groomsmen boutonnieres.


Hydrangea & Rose Package

1 Bride Bouquet

Color of choice and ribbon of choice. Bouquet may very in size, color, and shape. Pearls and add-ons are extra. Shown with add-ons.

1 Groom Boutonniere

Color of choice. Size and shape may very.

2 Bridesmaids Bouquets

Color of choice and ribbon of choice. Size and fullness may very depending on season. Minimum order 2 bouquets. Each additional $ each plus tax.

2 Groomsmen Boutonnieres

Color of choice. May very in size. Minimum order 2 Groomsmen Boutonnieres.